PNG Lincoln


We’re extremely proud to be part of the Lincoln community and we want to do more than just hold meetings here. We want to give back to the community as well. Here is just a small look into how PNG takes action in Lincoln:

Loaves & Fishes

Donated enough funds to help provide a hot Thanksgiving meal for 150 homeless and 200 veterans in our community.

Junior Achievements

Donated enough funds to Junior Achievements through our annual Golf Scramble to purchase 100 education packets for students here in Lincoln.

Coats for a Cause

Donated over 250 winter coats, gloves and shoes through our Coats For a Cause drive to Cedars to hand out to under privileged kids.

People in Need

Donated 50 fans to the Center of People in Need on a day with over a 100+ degree heat index for free distribution in both 2010 and 2011.


Donated funds to UNL’s SIFE program that allowed them to assist the needy in White Clay, Nebraska and set up an online store for the residents to sell their goods.

People's City Mission

Donated enough funds to feed 160 people this Holiday Season through the People’s City Mission.

PNG is about working together with best and the brightest people and organizations in Lincoln. Without the work of the Teammates, none of this would be possible.


The one thing you should truly understand about us: we’re all about the relationships. It’s the bread and butter to making a business successful. PNG works to create effective and lasting relationships with businesses and people within the Lincoln community. Join our Networking Community and watch how you can impact the bottom line on your business like never before.

The Calendar

Convenient Meetings All Over the City

We’ve been known to hold some pretty fun and professional social events throughout the years. Keep up with what’s coming by checking out our calendar. You don’t want to miss out on any exciting network opportunities!

Groups and Teammates

We've Got You Covered

No matter where you are in Lincoln, you always have teammates around you. Connect with the teammates in your area now!

Good Life Group

Grata Bar & Lounge

6891 A St #108
Lincoln, NE 68510
Every other Thursday from 12-1 pm

The OG (Original Group)

Connecting Pointe Church

1901 S 70th St
Lincoln Ne 68506
Every other Thursday from 7:30-8:30 am

South Group

Bancwise Realty

6120 Apples Way
Lincoln, NE 68516
Every other Thursday from 7:30-8:30 am

PNG Business Unplugged

Grata Bar & Lounge

6891 A St # 108
Lincoln, NE 68510
Every other Tuesday from 12:00-1:00 pm

PNG Omaha

Early Bird Brunch Regency

10730 Pacific St
Omaha, NE 68114
Every other Wednesday from 8:30-9:30 am

PNG Elite

Granite City

6198 O St.
Lincoln NE 68505
Every other Tuesday at 12 pm

Contact Us

Mention the word “cooperation” and we’re all ears.
If you feel like talking or just simply have questions, give us a call or shoot us an email.
You can even slide into our messages on Facebook @pnglincoln.

Business Phone
(402) 450-4829

Email Address

World Headquarters
1221 N St., STE 800
Lincoln, NE 68508

    Tips and Inspirations

    Blog Feed

    Blogs are all the rage and ours is no exception. No matter what you do, these articles are for you. Read on to find tips about networking, events or boosting your business!

    The Art of Networking
    The Art of Networking
    Being able to network effectively takes skill. Read on to learn about ...
    Being Prepared and Ready for Anything
    Being Prepared and Ready for Anything
    In the networking world, it’s all about making the most of your ...
    How to Make Networking More Comfortable & Fun
    How to Make Networking More Comfortable & Fun
    Okay, so most of us get that we need to network. It’s a necessary part ...